Editorial |
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| Kupfer, Cristina |
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Dossie |
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| · The transference and the educative action Monteiro, Elisabete Aparecida
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| · Transference in all its states in a day-hospital Penot, Bernard
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| · The subtleness of the transference on the hospital context Nali, Maria Cristiane
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| · On the use of the concept of transfe-rency in the educational field Filloux, Janine
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Articles |
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| · The constitution of the subject and the otherness: considerations regarding psychosis and autism Freire, Ana Beatriz
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| · The fall of paternal function and the symbouzation dialetics Folberg, Maria Nestrovsky; Maggi, Noeli Reck
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| · Thinking over education Dellepiane, Alicia Marta
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| · Law-braking and violence in the destinies of the "wish of ha ving a child" nowadays Garcia, Edna Linhares
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| · The speech of a psychotic child's mother Lerner, Rogério
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| · The gifted child on the neurosis: an articulation between the wish of knowing and the jouissance Sanada, Elizabeth dos Reis
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| · The student's school failure in the children and teenager's clinic Cohen, Ruth Helena Pinto; Besset, Vera Lopes
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Fundamentals |
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| · "Enamoration" and love transferance Lauru, Didier
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Review |
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| · Rosa, Miriam Debieux: Histórias que não se contam: o não-dito e a psicanálise com crianças e adolescentes Santos, Leandro Alves Rodrigues dos
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