Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Sociodrama: a group role playing device and an accompaniment device with a pre-therapeutic aim Balzani, Bernard
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| · Child searching for window: maternal function and trauma Zornig, Silvia Abu-Jamra; Levy, Lídia
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| · The violent no Marin, Isabel Kahn
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| · On adolescent writing Lima, Maria Celina Peixoto
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| · The maternal intimacy: The psychoanalysis contribution to research about the babies Benhaim, Michèle
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| · Intellectual inhibition: manejos clínicos Nezan, Monica de Barros Cunha
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| · Subject constitution X Child development: a false dilemma Magalhães, Darlene Denise Machado de Moura Oliveira de
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Review |
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| Wanderley, Daniele de Brito |
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| Pedrosa, Maria Aparecida de Luna |
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