Editorial |
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Dossie |
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| · Is it possible to talk about a "primitive" writing desire? Pommier, Gérard
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| · Playing as a writing operation Vorcaro, Angela; Veras, Viviane
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| · Relations between letter and writing in the psychoanalysis productions Costa, Ana
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| · On the interpretation of children's symptomatic writing Lier-De Vitto, Maria Francisca; Andrade, Lourdes
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| · The writing of what is lost Carvalho, Jeanne D'Arc
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| · The concept of dyslexia and its impact on social discourse Rubino, Rejane
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| · Subjective's positions while someone writing Riolfi, Claudia Rosa; Magalhães, Mical de Melo Marcelino
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| · Reading babies Jerusalinsky, Julieta; Berlinck, Manoel Tosta
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| · Inhibition in the literal production Sartore, Anna Rita
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Articles |
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| · Devastation and its occurrence in clinical autism Pinheiro, Maria Fátima Gonçalves; Freire, Ana Beatriz
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| · Does a psychotic child play?: reflections on playing in psychosis Soares, Julia Maciel
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| · Two cases and a question: what is the role of the caretaker on the child's subjective constitution? Oliveira, Caroline Moreira de; Mariotto, Rosa Maria Marini
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| · The (re)configuration of the past in the constructivist speech Revah, Daniel
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| · The impact of the speech science in the teacher-student relation: repercussion in psychoanalysis Souza, Marcelo Fonseca Gomes de; Pereira, Marcelo Ricardo
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Review |
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| · A desconstrução da alfabetização como processo de representação Camargo, Ana Carolina Corrêa Soares de
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