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Estilos da Clinica
Print version ISSN 1415-7128On-line version ISSN 1981-1624


Table of contents
Estilos clin. vol.15 no.2 São Paulo Dec. 2010

 Fogaça, Márcia Regina
        · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  A produção brasileira no campo das articulações entre psicanálise e educação a partir de 1980
Kupfer, Maria Cristina Machado; Costa, Beethoven Hortencio Rodrigues da; Césaris, Delia Maria De; Cardoso, Flávia Fló; Ornellas, Maria de Lourdes; Bastos, Marise Bartolozzi; Crochik, Nicole; Palhares, Odana

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Between the hospital and school: cancer in children
Cohen, Ruth Helena Pinto; Melo, Amanda Gonçalves da Silva

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Can you teach educators to include?
Freller, Cintia Copit

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  The scientific validation of research in teaching of the Physical Education and Sport
Terrisse, André; Buznic-Bourgeacq, Pablo

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  About the treatment of a child who is seven years old: reflections on inhibition and anxiety
Pinto, Ana Carolina Teixeira

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  The intervention of the psychoanalystic in the clinic with babies: Rosine Lefort and case Nádia
Neves, Brenda Rodrigues da Costa; Vorcaro, Ângela Maria Resende

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  Effects of a symbolic inefficiency on a child´s body
Próchono, Caio César S. C.; Silva, Cristina Leles; Paravidini, João Luiz Leitão

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  The maternal language: forming the initial ties
Pierotti, Mariana Moreira de Souza; Levy, Lidia; Zornig, Silvia Abu-Jamra

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  How can the methodology of direct observation of the baby's and the child's behaviour contribute to the progress of the research in clinical psycho analysis?
Saboia, Camila

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  The body and the enjoyment in the constitution of the subject
Severo, Paula Werner; Andrade, Maria Lúcia de Araújo

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
 ·  The invention of psychoanalysis and the Freud/Fliess correspondence
Vidal, Paulo Eduardo Viana

        · abstract in English | Portuguese | Spanish     · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )
        · text in Portuguese     · Portuguese ( pdf )

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