Palavra da editora |
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| Achette, Daniela |
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Articles |
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| · The psychological attendance through clinical listening during the hospitalization Maiana, Jugend; Jurkiewicz, Rachel
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| · Stress hospital in multidisciplinary team from a public hospital in the interior of Rondônia Borine, Bruno; Assis, Cleber Lizardo de; Lopes, Mariana de Souza; Santini, Thayssa de Oliveira
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| · Health Psychology: reflections from a supervised experience along sector Obstetric-Pediatric in the Public Hospital of the interior of Rondônia Silva, Ana Nóbrega da; Assis, Cleber Lizardo de; Silva, Leila Gracieli da; Assis Rodrigues, Marivone Fátima de; Souza, Josélia Lúcia Grinivold de; Masieiro, Roseni Romualdo; Silva, Marcilene Rodrigues
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| · Individual and family variables on adherence to treatment, metabolic control and quality of life in adolescents with type 1 diabetes Almeida, J. Paulo; Pereira, M. Graça; Fontoura, M.
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| · The anticipatory grief in pediatric intensive care unit: an experience report Flach, Katherine; Lobo, Beatriz de O. M.; Potter, Juliana Raush; Lima, Nara Schhmidt
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| · The look of patient oncological regarding your terminal:: psychological point of view Ferreira, Vanessa dos Santos; Raminelli, Orilete
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| · Heart and soul: the life and other symbols of heart disease in hospital reality Otto, Francieli de Fatima; Amui, Juliano Maluf; Mestre, Marilza
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| · Representation of social Psychology Hospital for relatives of hospitalized patients in Intensive Care Unit Moreira, Emanuelle Karuline Correia Barcelos; Martins, Tatiana Milhomem; Castro, Marleide Marques de
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| · The significance of festivals in a hospital toy library:: health promotion, culture and experience of childhood for sick children Lopes, Bruna Alves; Teixeira de Paula, Ercilia Maria Angeli
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| · Social representation, anxiety and depression in teenage mothers Guedes, Patrícia Cristina Wanderley; Marques, Thyeri Bione; D´Assumção, Camila Feitosa; Silva, Maria Arleide; Barbosa, Leopoldo Nelson Fernandes
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| · A conspiracy of silence in the hospital environment: when the talk is not noise Volles, Camila Christine; Bussoletto, Greici Maestri; Rodacoski, Giseli
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| · Conceptions of life and feelings experienced by patients facing the process of Hospitalization:: The Surgical Patient Goidanich, Marcia; Guzzo, Fabíola
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| · The possible reasons for caring Guimarães, Claudiane Aparecida; Lipp, Marilda Emmanuel Novaes
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| · Body investiment and sexual performance in women with post surgery of breast cancer Prates, Ana Carolina Lagos; Zanini, Daniela Sacramento; Veloso, Márcia de Faria
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Review |
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| · Um estudo sobre obesidade morbida Achette, Daniela
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