Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Body taken care of, forgotten and symbolic Barbosa Neto, Esperidião; Rocha, Zeferino
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| · The presence of the analyst in General Hospital and the handling of transference in subjective urgency Batista, Glauco; Rocha, Guilherme Massara
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| · Reflections on old age and the true self: an experience report Maluhy, Bruna Ballan; Genar Junior, Fernando
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| · A violência sexual e a repetição: a importância da função do segredo para a clínica psicanalítica e o tratamento na instituição de saúde Chagas, Luciana Ferreira; Moretto**, Maria Lívia Tourinho
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| · Palliative home care: considerations on the role of family caregiver Duarte, Itala Villaça; Fernandes, Krícia Frogeri; Freitas, Suellen Cristo de
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| · O paciente oncológico e suas relações de encontro Salik, Adriane Garcia
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| · Psychological intervention in the waiting room:: strategies in the context of Pediatric Oncology Alcântara, Tainara Vasconcelos de; Shioga, Júlia Evangelista Mota; Vieira Lima, Maria Juliana; Lage, Ana Maria Vieira; Nunes Maia, Anice Holanda
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| · Quality of life among patients in postoperative of cardiac surgery Pimentel, Júlia Ferreira; Ferreira, Cynthia Seelig Botelho; Ruschel, Patricia Pereira; Teixeira, Rita de Cássia Petrarca
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| · Validation of the hypertension risk perception questionnaire and the health value scale Pereira, Maria da Graça; Pereira, Angela
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| · Psychological preparation: the influence of the use of coping strategies after cardiac transplantation Pfeifer, Paula Moraes; Ruschel, Patricia Pereira
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| · Maternal-fetal attachment and anxiety of pregnant woman Ruschel, Patricia; Ávila, Camila; Fassini, Gisiane; Azevedo, Liege; Bilhão, Natais; Paiani, Raquel; Lodéa, Tadiela; Zielinsky, Paulo
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| · Psychoanalysis, depression and the second death on the Nile Mohr, Allan Martins
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