Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · The orientation of cultural type and its influence over the academic performance indicators Formiga, Nilton Soares
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| · I trust my husband: research of social representations of women in a closed relationship about AIDS prevention Giacomozzi, Andréia Isabel; Camargo, Brigido Vizeu
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| · Construção de uma escala de ansiedade para pacientes de ambulatório: um estudo exploratório Oliveira, José Carlos da Silva; Sisto, Fermino Fernandes
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| · The violent couple dynamic evaluation and its influence under the children Santos, Larissa Viana dos; Costa, Liana Fortunato
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| · Reflections about Judicial Psychology and its panorama in Brazil França, Fátima
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| · Quality research as form to built knowledge in family problems in the area of clinic psychology Cezar-Ferreira, Verônica A. da Motta
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| · Narratives of women victims of abuse: steps in the process Machado, Maria Renata Coelho
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| · Prevalence and cronicity of physical aggression against dating partners by university students in São Paulo - Brazil Aldrighi, Tânia
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