Editorial |
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Original Articles |
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| · Cognitive reading evaluation: the grapheme-phoneme and the phonemegrapheme regularity effect in the word reading aloud in Brazilian Portuguese Pinheiro, Ângela Maria Vieira; Lúcio, Patrícia Silva; Silva, Daniel Márcio Rodrigues
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| · Different perspectives before the conduct of Psychology intern in clinical context Freitas, Fernanda Andrade de
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| · Biopsychosocial factors involved in decision-making process to submit to bariatric surgery Moliner, Juliane de; Rabuske, Michelli Moroni
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| · The importance of interdisciplinary to the evaluation and management of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Carreiro, Luiz Renato Rodrigues; Jorge, Marcia; Tebar, Marina Reis; Moraes, Pedro Figueiredo de; Araujo, Ricardo Rafael de; Oliveira, Thais Aparecida Eustáquio Rodrigues de; Panhoni, Valéria Aparecida Campos Soares
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| · Leadership in sport: a study of athletes and coaches perception in the competitive context Sonoo, Christi Noriko; Hoshino, Elton Fernando; Vieira, Lenamar Fiorese
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| · The impact of playing on the well-being of hospitalized children Mussa, Claudia; Malerbi, Fani Eta Korn
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| · Body image satisfaction and self-concept in teenagers Martins, Denise da Fonseca; Nunes, Maiana Farias Oliveira; Noronha, Ana Paula Porto
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| · The difficult news of the diagnostic of aids to youngsters: psychoanalytic considerations from a winnicottian perspective Mencarelli, Vera Lúcia; Bastidas, Lílian Sabião; Vaisberg, Tânia Maria José Aiello
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| · Unprotected sex and adolescents: risk and protection factors Benincasa, Miria; Rezende, Manuel Morgado; Coniaric, Janaína
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| · Infraccions and paternity Vorcaro, Ângela; Mazzini, Cristiana de Amorim; Monteiro, Júnia Penido
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| · Community Psychology and Liberating Education Oliveira, Fábio Porto de; Ximenes, Verônica Morais; Coelho, João Paulo Lopes; Silva, Karla Saraiva da
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| · Bonds of love that favor the autonomy of desire Almeida, Maria Emília Sousa
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| · The Fotolanguage©: a method of group work with therapeutical or formative perspective Vacheret, Claudine
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| · The Fotolanguage©: a setting of reference for the psychoanalytically oriented work with groups which make use of mediating objects Castanho, Pablo de Carvalho Godoy
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| · Adoptive family: a proposal of clinical intervention in delayed adoption Bento, Rilma
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| · The force of the transgenerational legacy in a family Almeida, Maria Emília Sousa
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Review |
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| · Resenha sobre o livro Grupos e Inclusão Escolar sobre laços, amarras e nós, de Solange Aparecida Emílio Saeta, Beatriz Regina Pereira
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