Editorial |
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Original Articles |
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| · Psychosocial aspects of elder women living with pets: an alternative social interaction Costa, Edmara Chaves; Jorge, Maria Salete Bessa; Saraiva, Evelyn Rúbia de Albuquerque; Coutinho, Maria da Penha de Lima
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| · Working memory assessment in fifth to eight-grade students of Elementary School Menezes, Amanda; Godoy, Silvia; Seabra, Alessandra Gotuzo
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| · Development and factorial validity of Family Climate Inventory (FCI) for adolescents Teodoro, Maycoln L. M.; Allgayer, Mariana; Land, Bruna
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| · Differentiation of responses with and without the presence of extereceptive Stimuli Careli, Gabriel Gonçalves; Sério, Tereza Maria de A. P.
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| · Effects of night work on health workers of public hospital of Pinar del Rio city, Cuba Veloz, María Nereyda Triguero; Pérez, Jesús Carlos Gil; Triguero, Tania Machín; Hernández, Benardo Fernández
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| · Acquisition of recombinative reading after training sand tests with dictated and printed words Leite, Mariana Kerches da Silva; Hübner, Maria Martha Costa
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| · Characterization of factors wich affect the acceptance or refusal of pamphlet in public places Medeiros, José Gonçalves; Silveira, Jane Daura da; Silveira, Lílian Costa
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| · Aids’s images and meanings among users of the health basic net services of the Rio de Janeiro county Marques, Sergio Corrêa; Tyrrell, Maria Antonieta Rubio; Oliveira, Denize Cristina de
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| · The adolescent with Down syndrome and his relationship’s network: an exploratory study about their friendships Bonomo, Lívia Maria Marques; Garcia, Agnaldo; Rossetti, Claudia Broetto
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| · Perceptual patterns in developmental disorders: eye tracking for social pictures and non-social pictures Orsati, Fernanda Tebexreni; Mecca, Tatiana Pontrelli; de Melo, Daiana Fernanda; Schwartzman, José Salomão; Macedo, Elizeu Coutinho de
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| · Predictors of global satisfaction in romantic relationships Andrade, Alexsandro Luiz de; Garcia, Agnaldo; Cano, Débora Staub
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| · Psycho-educative intervention to pregnant women living with HIV/AIDS: a literature review Carvalho, Fernanda Torres de; Faria, Evelise Rigoni de; Gonçalves, Tonantzin Ribeiro; Moskovics, Jenny Milner; Piccinini, Cesar Augusto
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| · Orientations of instructional practices: presentation of some theoretical perspectives Figueira, Ana Paula Couceiro
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| · Eating disorders and body image in adolescence: an analysis of scientific literature in psychology Carvalho, Renata Silva de; Amaral, Ana Carolina Soares; Ferreira, Maria Elisa Caputo
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| · Identity as a factor of psychological immunity in situations of extreme violence: contributions of intercultural clinical psychology Borges, Lucienne Martins; Pocreau, Jean-Bernard
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Review |
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| · Resenha sobre o livro Publicar em Psicologia: um enfoque para a revista científica, de Sabadini, Sampaio e Koller (Org.) Boggio, Paulo Sérgio
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