| Table of contents Psicol. teor. prat. vol.12 no.3 São Paulo Mar. 2010 Original Articles | | | | | | | | · The experience of antenatal care of South Brazilian’s pregnant adolescents Levandowski, Daniela Centenaro; Silva, Marcieli Lima da; Wendland, aqueline
| | | | · Progress and challenges on the psychiatric reform in the Amazon: the perspectives based on the first CAPS of Manaus Colombarolli, Maíra Stivaleti; Alves, Antonio Carlos Abtibol; Soares, Adriana Caetano; Souza, Júlio César Pinto de; Veslaquez, Maria Vitória; Katsurayama, Marilise
| | | | · Food advertisement influence on food choice in children and adolescents Mattos, Marilia Costa; Nascimento, Paula Carolina Barboni Dantas; Almeida, Sebastião Sousa; Costa, Telma Maria Braga
| | | | · Alexythimia and Emot ional Intelligence: Correlational Study Miguel, Fabiano Koich; Bueno, José Maurício Haas; Noronha, Ana Paula Porto; Couto, Gleiber; Primi, Ricardo; Muniz, Monalisa
| | | | · Stress evaluation in military policemen Dantas, Marilda Aparecida; Brito, Denilza Vitar Cantarino; Rodrigues, Pâmela Batista; Maciente, Tiago Silvério
| | | | · Indicators of proneness to schizotypy among believers in the paranormal: examining the intensity of imagery, schizotypy, and hallucinatory experiences Parra, Alejandro
| | | | · The articulation of theoretical and practical knowledge in analysis and development of activity of care Silva, Marianna Araujo da; Martins, Lia Raposo de Assis; Osorio, Claudia
| | | | · Want to stay, wanting to leave: the ambivalence of psychiatric hospitalization Camilo, Juliana A. de Oliveira
| | | | · Thinking and creating styles in students of Humanities and Social Sciences Applied areas: differences by gender and course Nakano, Tatiana de Cássia; Santos, Eliana; Zavariz, Sérgio Fernando; Wechsler, Solange Muglia; Martins, Evelin
| | | | · Morphological awareness: an overview of scientific prodution in alphabetic languages Hagen, Vivian; Miranda, Luciene Corrêa; Mota, Márcia Maria Peruzzi Elia da
| | | | · Youngsters and unemployment: Social skills and psychologica l well-being Guilland, Romilda; Monteiro, Janine Kieling
| | | | · Analyses of ten years of scientific production of the journal Psicologia: Teoria e Prática Souza-Silva, João Roberto de; Pires, Ivens Hira; Blascovi-Assis, Silvana Maria; de Paula, Cristiane Silvestre
| | | | · Use of the urban spaces for the children: a review Luz, Giordana Machado da; Raymundo, Luana dos Santos; Kuhnen, Ariane
| | | Review | | | | · Resenha sobre o livro Como falhar na relação: Os 50 erros que os terapeutas mais cometem, de Schwartz e Flowers Santos, Bruna Roberta Pereira dos; Miranda, Ana Aparecida Vilela; Murta, Sheila Giardini
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