Editorial |
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Original Articles |
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| · Prevalence of behavior problems in a sample of children from Rio Grande do Sul Borsa, Juliane Callegaro; Souza, Daiane Silva de; Bandeira, Denise Ruschel
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| · Conditional discrimination as a method for teaching children to read in collective classroom situation Medeiros, José Gonçalves
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| · A look at the caregiver of cancer patients receiving palliative care Guimarães, Claudiane Aparecida; Lipp, Marilda Emmanuel Novaes
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| · Reasons for adolescents to search for psychological care in a clinic school Macedo, Mônica Medeiros Kother; Baldo, Mariana Aguilar; Santos, Rafael Lisboa dos; Ribas, Renata Freitas; Silva, Sander Machado da; Gonçalves, Thomás Gomes
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| · Home care in mental health held by Psychology trainees in the Care Intensification Program Côrtes, Laura Alícia Silva; Silva, Marcus Vinícius de Oliveira; Jesus, Mônica Lima de
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| · Adoption by single parents: challenges and peculiarities of this experience Santos, Carina Pessoa; Fonsêca, Maria Cecília Souto Maior da; Fonsêca, Célia Maria Souto Maior de Souza; Dias, Cristina Maria de Souza Brito
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| · Adolescence in magazines: a study on social representations Santos, Maria de Fátima de Souza; Neto, Manoel de Lima Acioli; Souza, Yuri Sá de Oliveira
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| · Evaluation of empathy in children participating and not participating in a program of sociocognitive development Rodrigues, Marisa Cosenza; Ribeiro, Nathalie Nehmy
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| · Affective and continuing commitment and organizational entrenchment: establishing empirical and conceptual limits Carvalho, Patrícia; Alves, Flávia Jôse Oliveira; Peixoto, Adriano de Lemos Alves; Bastos, Antônio Virgílio Bittencourt
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| · Autobiographical memory and depression: a correlational study with clinical sample Nascimento, Juliana Maria Steffen do; Pergher, Giovanni Kuckartz
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| · Between pleasure and suffering: a study on the meanings of work for university teachers Maria Chalfin, Coutinho; Magro, Márcia Luiza Pit Dal; Budde, Cristiane
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| · Development of a customized dictionary of the therapeutic Cycles Model (TCM) for adolescents in conflict with the law Khater, Eduardo; Yoshida, Elisa Médici Pizão
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| · Perversion and contemporaneity: a mistaken discourse? Mello Neto, Gustavo Adolfo Ramos; Schmitt, Lara Stresser
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Teorical Review Articles |
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| · Integrality and mental health in the SUS under the light of Edgar Morin's complexity theory Bedin, Dulce Maria; Scarparo, Helena Beatriz Kochenborger
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Clinical case articles |
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| · Assessment of apraxias in patients with leftsided cerebrovascular lesion Jaqueline de Carvalho, Rodrigues; Pawlowski, Josiane; Zibetti, Murilo Ricardo; Fonseca, Rochele Paz; Parente, Maria Alice de Mattos Pimenta
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