Editorial |
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| Teixeira, Maria Cristina T. V.; Enéas, Maria Leonor Espinosa |
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Original Articles |
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| · Evaluation of a mental health service quality in the perspective of their professionals: satisfaction, burden and work conditions Leal, Rosângela Maria de Almeida Camarano; Bandeira, Marina Bittencout; Azevedo, Kennya Rodrigues Nézio
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| · Psychosocial study of violence in old age: What think staff community and health professionals? Araújo, Ludgleydson Fernandes de; Rocha, Romulo Araujo da; Cruz, Edilene Alves
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| · (Re)Construction practices in mental health: professional´s understanding about the process of deinstitutionalization Feitosa, Kellida Moreira Alves; Silva, Tâmara; Silveira, Maria de Fátima de Araújo; Santos Junior, Hudson Pires de Oliveira
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| · Citizen focus: social representation, attitudes and behaviors of citizenship Fagundes, Mateus Miranda; Zanella, Michele; Torres, Tatiana Lucena
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| · Institutional Discourse OF Analysis of teachers of students diagnosed as autist in schoolar inclusion Rodrigues, Isabel de Barros; Moreira, Luiz Eduardo de V.; Lerner, Rogério
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| · Full nest: perspectives of parents and children Vieira, Ana Caroline Sari; Rava, Paula Grazziotin Silveira
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| · Games and moral judgement: a study of adolescents with high school Ramos, Daniela Karine
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| · The incidental binding of visual and spatial information in working memory Corder, Ana Paula Ulmann; Garcia, Rafael Vasques Ricardo Basso; Galera, Cesar
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| · What does the Intelligence Predicts: Individual Differences or Academic Development Differences? Gomes, Cristiano Mauro Assis; Golino, Hudson Fernandes
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| · Convergent Validity and comparison of items between EDEP and CES-D Baptista, Makilim Nunes; Souza, Mayra Silva; Gomes, Juliana Oliveira; Alves, Gisele Aparecida da Silva; Carneiro, Adriana Munhoz
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| · Bender test (adaptation Koppitz) and R-2: non verbal children intelligence test Rosa, Helena Rinaldi; Alves, Irai Cristina Boccato
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| · Tolerance and respect for differences: the effects of an educational activity at school Prette, Zilda Aparecida Pereira Del; Domeniconi, Camila; Amaro, Livia; Benitez, Priscila; Laurenti, Aline; Prette, Almir Del
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| · Social skills deficts in depression: a comparative study Fernandes, Conceição Santos; Falcone, Eliane Mary de Oliveira; Sardinha, Aline
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Bibliographic Essay |
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| · Um livro a se debater: Bullying: mentes perigosas nas escolas, de Ana Beatriz Barbosa Silva Stelko-Pereira, Ana Carina; Santini, Paolla Magioni; Williams, Lúcia Cavalcanti de Albuquerque
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