| Table of contents Psicol. teor. prat. vol.14 no.2 São Paulo Aug. 2012 Editorial | | | | Carreiro, Luiz Renato Rodrigues | | | Original Articles | | | | · Reading and writing evaluation of deaf people using Brazilian sign language Pereira, Veronica Aparecida; Almeida‑Verdu, Ana Cláudia Moreira
| | | | · Street games in Belém‑PA: an analysis of gender and age Silva, Sarah Danielle Baia; Monteiro, Eline Freire; Pontes, Fernando Augusto Ramos; Magalhães, Celina Maria Colino; Silva, Simone Souza da Costa
| | | | · Instruments to evaluate body image in women with breast cancer Gonçalves, Carolina de Oliveira; Tavares, Maria da Consolação Gomes Cunha Fernandes; Campana, Angela Nogueira Neves Betanho; Cabello, César; Shimo, Antonieta Keiko Kakuda
| | | | · Psychiatric disorders in burn victims Medeiros, Letícia Galery; Almeida, Rosa Maria Martins de; Rigoli, Marcelo Montagner; Kristensen, Christian Haag
| | | | · Psychological impact of illness: a report of interventions in nephrology Cherer, Evandro de Quadros; Quintana, Alberto Manuel; Leite, Carina Teixeira
| | | | · Conceptions of psychologists about the getting sick process of men with cancer Martins, Alberto Mesaque; Gazzinelli, Andréa Pereira; Almeida, Suellen Santos Lima de; Modena, Celina Maria
| | | | · Psychic trauma and sexual abuse: the opinion of girls in situation of vulnerability Arpini, Dorian Mônica; Siqueira, Aline Cardoso; Savegnago, Sabrina Dal Ongaro
| | | | · Technical study about the removal of the aggressor in sexual abuse: offender, family and victim Chaves, Eduardo; Costa, Liana Fortunato
| | | | · Group cognitive‑behavioral therapy for depression and anxiety symptoms in elderly: preliminary results Lobo, Beatriz de Oliveira Meneguelo; Rigoli, Marcelo Montagner; Sbardelloto, Gabriela; Rinaldi, Juciclara; Argimon, Irani de Lima; Kristensen, Christian Haag
| | | | · Professional Education and concepts of moral and ethics in psychology students Bataglia, Patricia Unger Raphael; Bortolanza, Marcia Regina
| | | | · Computerized Tests as an aid in the selection of Human Resources Katsurayama, Marilise; Reis e Silva, Samuel; Eufrázio, Washingthon Napoleão; Souza, Rita Suely Araújo de; Becker, Maria Alice d´Ávilla
| | | Teorical Review Articles | | | | · Talented reader: scientific production in Education and Psychology Barbosa, Altemir José Gonçalves; Almeida, Lara Carolina de; Mota, Márcia Maria Peruzzi Elia da
| | | Bibliographic Essay | | | | | | |