Editorial |
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Original Articles |
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| · Social representations and psychological distress in adolescents with depressive symptoms Ribeiro, Karla Carolina Silveira; Medeiros, Carolina Silva de; Coutinho, Maria da Penha de Lima; Carolino, Zulmira Carla Gonçalves
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| · Social representations of pickers of a sanitary landfill: living with gabage Pereira, Eliane Ramos; Silva, Rose Mary Costa Rosa Andrade; Mello, Flávio Pinto de; Oliveira, Denize Cristina de; Silva, Marcos Andrade
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| · Play in an Amazonian riverine community Reis, Daniela Castro dos; Monteiro, Eline Freire; Pontes, Fernando Augusto Ramos; Silva, Simone Souza da Costa
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| · Violation of children`s and adolescents` rights on the perspective of teachers Siqueira, Aline Cardoso; Alves, Cássia Ferrazza; Leão, Flavia Elso
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| · Remarried families: changes, challenges and potentialities Costa, Juliana Monteiro; Dias, Cristina Maria de Souza Brito
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| · Evidences of convergent validity of Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-III Sousa, Heloísa Karmelina Carvalho de; Rocha, Hannia Roberta Rodrigues Paiva da; Alchieri, João Carlos
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| · Relevance of the assessment of personality traits required for drivers Santos, Paola Lucena; Boff, Raquel Melo; Konflanz, Silvano Sperb
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| · The partnership university-health service and its importance in undergraduate student training psychology Lopes, Sandra Ribeiro de Almeida; Lima, Júlia Miranda Ferreira
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| · Inappropriate eating behavior and body dissatisfaction in young swimmers according to sociodemographic variables Fortes, Leonardo de Sousa; Paes, Santiago Tavares; Amaral, Ana Carolina Soares; Ferreira, Maria Elisa Caputo
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| · Stages of change: correlation between two forms of evaluation Santos, Adriana Carvalho dos; Enéas, Maria Leonor Espinosa; Yoshida, Elisa Medici Pizão
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Teorical Review Articles |
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| · Health as subjective process: a necessary reflection Mori, Valéria Deusdará; Rey, Fernando González
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| · The importance of clinical supervision training for development of skills in cognitive-behavioral therapy Barletta, Janaína Bianca; Fonseca, Ana Lucia Barreto da; Delabrida, Zenith Nara Costa
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| · One contribution from the resilience to the psychonalytic clinic Rosa, Gabriel Artur Marra e
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Clinical case articles |
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| · From mourning to meaning: contributions of logotherapy in the psychotherapeutic ambience Corrêa, Diogo Arnaldo
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Bibliographic Essay |
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| · Resenha do livro Lev Vigotski: mediação, aprendizagem e desenvolvimento. Uma leitura filosófica e epistemológica, de Janette Friedrich Martins, Edna; Moretti, Vanessa Dias
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