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Clinical Psychology |
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| · Psychodynamic approach in a case study of personality borderline disorder Costa, Mónica; Mota, Catarina Pinheiro; Milheiro, Cláudia
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| · When the death visit the maternity: psychological attention during the perinatal loss Muza, Júlia Costa; Sousa, Erica Nascimento de; Arrais, Alessandra da Rocha; Iaconelli, Vera
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| · Quality of life in breast cancer long-term survivors: analysis of scientific production Vidotti, Janaína de Fátima; Scorsolini-Comin, Fabio; Santos, Manoel Antônio dos
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| · Critical review about ethical conflicts related to suicide Kovács, Maria Julia
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| · Cinema and sexual abuse in childhood and adolescence: contributions to training of the clinical psychologist Santeiro, Tales Vilela; Rossato, Lucas
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Social Psychology |
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| · Institutional shelter in the perspective of the New Adoption Law Silva, Milena Leite; Arpini, Dorian Mônica
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| · Perspectives on the favela: an experience of intervention in Maré's School of Popular Photographers Rodriguez, Andrea; Cruz, Ana Carolina Dias; Aragão, Cristal O. Moniz de; Melício, Thiago; Arruda, Angela
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| · Ethno-racial relationship and psychology: publications in journals of SciELO and Lilacs Martins, Edna; Santos, Alessandro de Oliveira dos; Colosso, Marina
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Huamn development |
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| · Self-concept indicators on adolescents: self-report of concerns and positive aspects Moscaritolo, Alessandra M. Fernandes; Rocha, Marina Monzani da; Silvares, Edwiges Ferreira de Mattos
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| · Cross-sectional study on body image in adolescents Miranda, Valter Paulo Neves; Amaral, Ana Carolina Soares; Fortes, Leonardo Sousa; Conti, Maria Aparecida; Ferreira, Maria Elisa Caputo
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Psychology evaluation |
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| · Text complexity and eye movements measures in adults readers Oliveira, Darlene Godoy; Mecca, Tatiana Pontrelli; Silva, Patrícia Botelho da; Pinto, Ivan Silva; Macedo, Elizeu Coutinho
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| · Relationship between musical auditory reasoning and intelligence Pessotto, Fernando; Primi, Ricardo; Carvalho, Lucas de Francisco; Miguel, Fabiano Koich
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Psychology and Education |
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| · Limit situation in early childhood education: contradictions and possibilities of intervention. Moreira, Ana Paula Gomes; Guzzo, Raquel Souza Lobo
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| · Child development: concepts and practices of educators in public daycare centers Ramos, Deborah Dornellas; Salomão, Nádia Maria Ribeiro
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