Editorial |
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| Paula, Cristiane Silvestre de |
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Invited Commentary |
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| · The importance of early developmental neuroscience for research, practice, and policy Mesquita, Ana Raquel M.; Sampaio, Adriana da C. S.; Osório, Ana Alexandra C.
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Psychological assessment |
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| · Adaptation and content validity of the phonological awareness test for Mozambique Muitana, Gérson O. E.; Amato, Cibelle A. de la H.
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| · Construction and evidence of validity of the Positive Discipline parenting skills scale Soares, Laura C. M.; Hernandez, José Augusto E.
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| · Adaptation and initial psychometric evidence of the Work-Family Behavioral Role Conflict Scale Andrade, Alexsandro Luiz de; Techio, Gabriela; Coriolano, Clarissa E.; Oliveira, Manoela Z. de
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Human development |
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| · Self-injury in adolescence from the bioecological perspective of human development Santo, Manuela A. da S.; Dell'Aglio, Débora Dalbosco
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| · Sleep habits and the relationship thereof with mental health indicators in childhood Gios, Thaísa; Mecca, Tatiana P.; Akemi, Juliana; Kataoka, Lucas E.; Lowenthal, Rosane
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| · Coparenting and child behavior in the context of divorce: a systematic review Ambros, Tatiane M. B.; Coltro, Beatriz P.; Vieira, Mauro Luís; Lopes, Fernanda M.
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Social psychology and population's health |
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| · HIV vulnerability among CAPSad users: relationship between beliefs and health behaviors Furtado, Rafael N.; Martins, Leonardo F.; Grincenkov, Fabiane R. dos S.
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| · Using photographic methods in the mental health field: an integrative review Trombeta, Gabriela; Scienza, Lívia; Reis, Maria de Jesus D. dos
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Psychology and Education |
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| · Teaching reading and writing to students with intellectual disabilities based on stimulus equivalence instruction Muto, Jéssica H. D.; Postalli, Lidia Maria M.
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Clinical Psychology |
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| · Portuguese adolescents' perception of the Covid-19 pandemic: gender differences and relation with psychopathological symptoms Carreiras, Diogo Rafael V.; Freitas, Paula Cristina de O. de C.; Cunha, Marina Isabel V. A. da
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| · Group Interventions with Mothers and Children Exposed to IPV: a systematic literature review Otaguiri, Alliny T. M.; Siqueira, Aline C.; D'Affonseca, Sabrina M.
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| · Clinical listening: experience of a grieving mother in times of Covid-19 Feijoo, Ana Maria L. C. de
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Social psychology and population's health |
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| · Blackness in Brazil: publications in behavior analysis Jardim, Pedro Henrique; Gioia, Paula Suzana
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Psychological assessment |
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| · Emotion regulation test: analysis with IRT Lira, Celine Lorena O. B. de; Bueno, José Maurício H.
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Clinical Psychology |
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| · Fear of childbirth: a review of interventions based on cognitive-behavioral therapy Nunes, Lívia R. de C.; Coutinho, Fernanda C.; Santos, Veruska Andréa dos
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