Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Where self-management happens: revelations from everyday practice Andrada, Cris Fernández
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| · Hospital work: frenzied rhythms, tedious routines Osorio, Claudia
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| · Unemployment: speech and silencing: a research with clients of a counseling service Terra, Carolina Passos; Carvalho, Joari Aparecido Soares de; Azevedo, José Eduardo Assunção; Venezian, Luciana de Albuquerque; Machado, Sérgio Bacchi
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| · Development of self-management: a cooperative of civil building in Rio de Janeiro Busnardo, Elaine Araújo
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| · The judge of water: a tradicional way of rural workers’ organization for the distribution of water Canelón Pérez, Jesús Eduardo
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| · Labor, organization and people with severe mental ill Zambroni-de-Souza, Paulo César
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Interview |
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| · Entrevista: Josep Maria Blanch
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