Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · On the possibilities of making effective cooperatives in every day life: a constructionist approach Ide, Roberto Minoru
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| · Metropolis and Multiple Subsumption Quintana, Francisco
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| · Repetitive Strain Injuries among bank workers: reflections about the return to work Gravina, Marcia Elena Rodrigues; Rocha, Lys Esther
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| · The Discourses of women in power positions Nogueira, Maria da Conceição de Oliveira Carvalho
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| · Education and work in considerations on the government of Poland of Jean-Jacques Rousseau Albornoz, Suzana Guerra
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| · The work psychologist's diagnosis and intervention process Azevedo, Beatriz Marcondes de; Cruz, Roberto Moraes
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Interview |
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| · Entrevista: Yves Clot
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Reviews |
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| · O resgate de uma dívida: resenha do livro Escritos de Louis Le Guillant - da Ergoterapia à Psicopatologia do Trabalho Lima, Maria Elizabeth Antunes
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| · Resenha do livro A função psicológica do trabalho de Yves Clot Lima, Maria Elizabeth Antunes
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