Editorial |
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| Sato, Leny; Oliveira, Fábio de |
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Articles |
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| · Technological and organizational innovations in offices and the impacts on the quality of work life Brusiquese, Romildo Garcia; Ferreira, Mário César
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| · The discourses about quality of life for workers as disciplinary mechanisms Barros, Sérgio Paes de
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| · The relationship between work positivity and the individual's submission to reality: elements to Psychology reflection Chaves, Juliana de Castro
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| · House of Representatives: democracy and equal opportunities between women and men? Zauli, Amanda; Torres, Claudio Vaz; Galinkin, Ana Lucia
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| · The "cooked crab" uniform and the "branquinha": life narratives of a military alcoholic patient Halpern, Elizabeth Espindola; Leite, Ligia Maria Costa
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| · Labor and productivism: health and lifestyle of professors at public Higher Education institutions Borsoi, Izabel Cristina Ferreira
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| · Work and health of the Federal Justice officials at Porto Alegre Merlo, Álvaro Roberto Crespo; Dornelles, Rogério Alexandre Nedir; Bottega, Carla Garcia; Trentini, Laís
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| · Work and life integration: trajectories of basic health care workers and the construction of their professional identity Martins, Selma Aparecida Caselli; Krawulski, Edite
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| · The backstage of fireworks production in Santo Antonio do Monte: notes on the degradation of the pyrotechnists work conditions and health Vieira, Carlos Eduardo Carrusca; Oliveira, Ana Cláudia de; Silva, Ionára Alves da; Couto, Rafaela Isabel
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| · Work conditions in the Family Health Strategy: report of an experience of university extension with community health agents Imbrizi, Jaquelina Maria; Aguiar, Fernanda Braz Tobias de; Fajardo, Aline; Hirata, Janaína Hatsue Barrozo; Kawagoe, Karina; Miyaura, ; Aurélio Keiji
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