Editorial |
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| Osorio-da-Silva, Claudia; Sato, Leny; Oliveira, Fábio de |
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Articles |
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| · Work as a service of health Clot, Yves
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| · The social dimension of the entrepreneurial activity Campos, Nédson Antônio; Duarte, Francisco José da Castro Moura
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| · Work, human activity Cunha, Daisy Moreira
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| · The research of ALTER-LAEL group to the analysis of educational work Machado, Anna Rachel; Lousada, Eliane Gouvêa
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| · Applied linguistics and work psychology: the contribution of the regulating activity concept to the clinic of activity Lima, Anselmo Pereira de
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| · The language in the analysis of clinic of activity: modes of accomplishment and psychological functions Kostulski, Katia
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| · Clinic of work and training experience with workers from public schools in Brazil França, Maristela; Athayde, Milton; Muniz, Hélder; Neves, Mary Yale; Brito, Jussara
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| · Mental health and work: limits, challenges, obstacles, and perspetives Lima, Maria Elizabeth Antunes
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| · Recovering the lost time: psychology and non-regulated work Sato, Leny
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| · Methodology and analysis methods in clinic of activity Roger, Jean-Luc
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| · Workshops of photography: Brazilian experiences in clinic of activity Osorio-da-Silva, Claudia; Pacheco, Ariele Binoti; Barros, Maria Elizabeth Barros de
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| · Professional activities genre, stylistic variations and generecity in clinic of activity Ruelland-Roger, Danielle
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