| Table of contents Cad. psicol. soc. trab. vol.21 no.2 São Paulo July/Dec. 2018 Original Articles | | | | · Mental depletion and the work of a teacher: a case study in the public-school system Souza, Farney Vinícios Pinto
| | | | · Intersectoral action in workers' health: challenges and possibilities Pereira, Maristela de Souza; Oliveira, Karol Teixeira de; Silva, Ione Aparecida
| | | | · "Then who am I?": the teaching work in childhood education and the impacts of the work organization in the dynamic of recognition Fischer, Daniela; Perez, Karine Vanessa
| | | | · The (lack of) action against workplace bullying: study on a union Gonçalves, Júlia; Tolfo, Suzana da Rosa; Espinosa, Leonor María Centera
| | | | · "Being a street vendor is a necessity that we have to work on": daily life and identification of popcorn sellers of Belo Horizonte Correia, Gabriel Farias Alves; Pereira, Higor Gomes; Carrieri, Alexandre de Pádua
| | | | · Between pleasure and suffering: subjective livings of sex workers in São Paulo Silva, Arilson Pereira da; Santos, Carla Raniele de Carvalho; Carvalho, Mônica Gurjão
| | | | · Organizational behavior and the reified organization pitfall Melo, Newton Claizoni Moreno de; Dourado, Débora Coutinho Paschoal; Mendonça, José Ricardo Costa de
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