| Table of contents Cad. psicol. soc. trab. vol.22 no.1 São Paulo Jan./June 2019 Original Articles | | | | · Workplace bullying in the university context: study with an IFES in the interior of Minas Gerais Gomes, Luciene Ferreira Gomides; Lima, Maria Elizabeth Antunes
| | | | · The health of the education worker: an experience of citizenship as the devices of assistance in a municipal school network Barrosde Barros, Maria Elizabeth; Muniz, Hélder Pordeus; Brito, Janaina Madeira
| | | | · Social responsibility standard and the discrimination of black women in the industrial sector Silva, Valdenice Portela; Lima, Marcus Eugênio Oliveira; Silva, Patrícia da
| | | | · Teaching profession in private higher education: the difficult balance of who alway walks a tightrope Elias, Marisa Aparecida; Navarro, Vera Lucia
| | | | · Worker's health and solidarity economy: a study of daily life in solidarity economic enterprises Castro, Matheus Fernandes de
| | | | · Violences against sick workers and management tools: a relationship to explore Tavares, Daniela Sanches; Lima, Cristiane Queiroz Barbeiro
| | | | · The Experiences of Unemployment among Workers in Rio Grande do Norte’s countryside Coelho-Lima, Fellipe; Teixeira, Matheus Rodrigo Confessor; Lima, Katiane Leite da Silva; Medeiros, Anne Louyse Gomes de
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