| Table of contents Cad. psicol. soc. trab. vol.27 São Paulo 2024 Original Articles | | | | · The perception of female workers about organizational diversity: representativeness and belonging Carvalho, Mônica Gurjão; Nascimento, Clauber Silva do; Pires, Thamires
| | | | · Documentary-legislative historical review of social security medical examinations and the role of medical experts in its institutionalization Ribeiro, Bruno Chapadeiro; Heloani, Roberto; Lacaz, Francisco Antonio de Castro
| | | | · A metasynthesis of labor changes for taxi drivers in times of uberization Vasco, Antonio da Silva; Pereira, Maristela de Souza
| | | | · Accumulation of unrelated tasks and the emergence of an invasive professional genre Messias, Joeder da Silva; Falcão, Jorge Tarcisio da Rocha; Bezerra, Eduardo Breno Nascimento
| | | | · Balanced work environment: analysis of live-front activities Lima, Flavia Traldi de; Bergström, Gustavo Tank; Gemma, Sandra Francisca Bezerra; Gonçalves, Marcella Silva Ribeiro; Misuta, Milton Shoiti; Brittes, José Luiz Pereira; Fernandes, Amanda Lopes; Franco, Eliezer Silva
| | | The process of producing work-related mental exhaustion in information technology: the case of Maria Isabel Moita, Dímitre Sampaio; Aquino, Cássio Adriano Braz de
| | | Journalists victims of violence: a study of circumstances and subjective repercussions Lima, Laura Camara; Cunha, Rafaella Carnevalli; Barbosa, Bruna da Silva
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