Presentation |
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| Furlanete, Fábio; Nalli, Marcos Alexandre; Pavini, Renan; Pez, Tiaraju Dal Pozzo |
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Articles |
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| · Between biopolitics and bioethics: reflections on the prioritization of access to care during epidemics Covid Sabot, Philippe
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| · From the missing biopolitics to the ones that exceeds: the pandemic in Brazil Souza, Pedro de
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| · Lockdown-proof temporality L'Heuillet, Hélène
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| · Sovereignty and violence biopolitics neoliberal: revisiting the paradigm of war in Michel Foucault's thought Yazbek, André Constantino
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| · Neoliberal biopolitics: beyond laissez faire Ferreiro, Borxa Colmenero
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| · Biopolitics, Rights and Resistance in the Foucauldian Thought Raffin, Marcelo
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| · Illegalisms, governmentality and the wish for walls: the production of the poor migrant as illegal Candiotto, Cesar
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| · The colonial paradox: culture and formation between biopolitics and necropolitics Junior, José Mauro Garboza; Filho, Tadeu José Migoto
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| · The Bataillian fascination with death: an alternative to biopolitical governmentality Nalli, Marcos; Slonski, Manuela
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| · Political topographies by Michel Foucault Silva, Guilherme; Pez, Tiaraju Dal Pozzo
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| · Art, truth and ambivalence Furlanete, Fábio; Lima, Rodrigo; Pelogia, Thiago
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| · Trangression, resistence, subjectivity and art in Foucault Cicotte, Luiz Guilherme Nunes; Pavini, Renan
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