| Table of contents Rev. bras. ter. comport. cogn. vol.1 no.1 São Paulo June 1999 Editorial | | | | | | | Articles | | | | · Good-bye teacher Keller, Fred
| | | | · Assessment of a training program to develop empathy for university students Falcone, Eliane
| | | | · Treatment of pathological gambling and relapse prevention Banaco, Roberto Alves
| | | | · Waiting room group treatment of sickle-cell disease outpatients Santos, Ana Rita Ribeiro dos; Miyazaki, Maria Cristina de Oliveira
| | | | · Reinforcement and contemporary evolutionary biology Galvão, Olavo F.
| | | | · Equivalent of stimuli's model and the analysis of anxiety disorder: the effects of experimental history and stimulus characteristics in anxious and non-anxious subjects Neves, Sônia Maria M.; Vandenberghe, Luc M. A.; Oliveira, Lúcia H. R.; Silva, André V.; Oliveira, Kellen C. F. de; Oliveira, Juliana Di S.; Santos, Divina P. dos; Villane, Maria Cristiane S.
| | | | · How to define an Skinnerian?: A reflexion upon teachers, disciples and intelectual influence Rose, Júlio César de
| | | | · Professional ethics: facts and possibilities Teixeira, Adélia Maria Santos
| | | | · Cognition: rules and contact with contingencies Simonassi, Lorismário Ernesto
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