| Table of contents Rev. bras. ter. comport. cogn. vol.3 no.1 São Paulo Apr. 2001 Editorial | | | | Kerbauy, Rachel Rodrigues | | | Articles | | | | · Questions referent to causality and private events in Radical Behaviorism Gongora, Maura Alves Nunes; Abib, José Antônio Damásio
| | | | · Why simulate? Kemp, Steven M.; Eckerman, David A.
| | | | · Who is afraid of punishment? Todorov, João Cláudio
| | | | · The genetic assignment and its stressors according to the parents of the children with evidence of Cystic Fibrosis Lima, Rosa Maria Cecílio de Souza; Enumo, Sônia Regina Fiorini
| | | | · A comparative analysis of test results os vocabulary, intelligence, equivalence and generalization of reading Saraiva, Leila Zanetti; Hübner, Maria Martha Costa
| | | | · Verbal behavior: analysis of Brazilian scientific production published between 1994 - 1998 Moroz, Melania; Rubano, Denize Rosana; Rodrigues, Maria Ester; Lucci, Marcos Antonio
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