| Table of contents Rev. bras. ter. comport. cogn. vol.4 no.1 São Paulo June 2002 Editorial | | | | | | | Articles | | | | · Coping and its relation between anxiety and depression in hypertension women Chaves, Eliane Corrêa; Cade, Nágela Valadão
| | | | · How to learn to discriminate signs of manipulation Kerbauy, Rachel Rodrigues
| | | | · An analysis of Skinner’s references from 1930 to 1938 Andery, Maria Amalia; Micheletto, Nilza; Sério, Tereza Maria de Azevedo Pires
| | | | · The practice and implications of functional analysis Vandenberghe, Luc
| | | | · Brazilian version of Paykel interview for recent life events Oliveira, Maria das Graças de; Fonseca, Patrícia Pinto; Del Porto, José Alberto
| | | | · Neuropsychological impairment associated with depression Porto, Patrícia; Hermolin, Marcia; Ventura, Paula
| | | On books | | | | · Terapia cognitivo-comportamental no transtorno de deficit de atenção/hiperatividade (manual do terapeuta e manual do paciente) de paulo Knapp, Luiz Augusto Rohde, Liseane Lyszkowski e Juliana Johannpeter, Editora ArtMed (2002) Vermes, Joana Singer
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