Editorial |
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Honor |
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| · Tribute to Maria Amélia Matos Assis, Fátima Regina Pires de; Delitti, Maly; Lima, Myrian Vallias de Oliveira
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Articles |
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| · Contributions of evolutionary psychology and behavior analysis about jealousy Costa, Nazaré
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| · Analysis of stigma concept in children with chronic skin disease Gon, Márcia Cristina Caserta; Rocha, Margarette Matesco; Gon, Airton dos Santos
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| · Causation and explanation: controversy between mentalism and radical behaviorism Cameschi, Carlos Eduardo; Simonassi, Lorismario Ernesto
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| · Linguistic pragmatic theories and the interpretation in cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy Wainer, Ricardo; Costa, Jorge Campos da; Sarriera, Jorge Castellá; Piccoloto, Neri Maurício
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| · Radical behaviorist ethics for behavior therapy Vandenberghe, Luc
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| · Exhibitionism and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) procedures: a case report Fukahori, Lígia; Silveira, Jocelaine Martins da; Costa, Carlos Eduardo
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| · An analytical-behavioral panorama on the anxiety disorders Zamignani, Denis Roberto; Banaco, Roberto Alves
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| · Internal validity in 20 behavioral brazilian case studies on children behavior therapy Prette, Giovana Del; Silvares, Edwiges Ferreira de Mattos; Meyer, Sonia Beatriz
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| · Emotional responses based on causal mode of selection by consequences Darwich, Rosângela Araújo; Tourinho, Emmanuel Zagury
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Didactic article |
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| · The concept of motivation in psychology Todorov, João Cláudio; Moreira, Márcio Borges
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Technical note |
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| · Using calculation spreadsheet to the determination of variable intervals of reinforcement Pessôa, Candido Vinicius Bocaiuva; Buffara, Antônio Cláudio Lage
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