Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · B. F. Skinner’s Verbal Behavior: an Introduction Vargas, Ernst A.
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| · B. F. Skinner’s analysis of verbal behavior: a chronicle Vargas, Ernst A.; Vargas, Julie S.; Knapp, Terry J.
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| · Verbal Behavior, by B.F. Skinner: its importance for the study of behavior Ardila, Rubén
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| · Skinner’s verbal behavior: functions of quoting in Verbal Behavior Borloti, Elizeu
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| · Fundamental elements for infant’s verbal operant acquisition: behavioral analysis of joint attention Oliveira, Thais Porlan de; Gil, Maria Stella Coutinho de Alcântara
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| · Consequences of the functional interpretations of psychological terms Strapasson, Bruno Angelo; Carrara, Kester; Lopes Júnior, Jair
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| · Verbal behavior in clinical context: behavior analysis methodological contributions Zamignani, Denis Roberto; Meyer, Sonia Beatriz
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| · Categorization of verbalizations of the therapeutic process and the intraverbal operant Vieira-Santos, Joene; Souza, Carlos Barbosa Alves de
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| · Evaluating the role of verbal behavior on "superstitious" behavior acquisition Panetta, Paulo André Barbosa; Hora, Cássia Leal da; Benvenuti, Marcelo Frota Lobato
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| · Relations between tacts and mands during the acquisition Alves, Cristiane; Ribeiro, Antonio de Freitas
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| · Effects of differential reinforcement of choosing phrases about reading upon the duration of reading behavior Faleiros, Thais Cazati; Hübner, Maria Martha Costa
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| · Training conditions and evaluation of systems of categorization of therapists' speech Tourinho, Emmanuel Zagury; Neno, Simone; Batista, Jussara Rocha; Garcia, Mariana Gaspar; Brandão, Gisele Gillet; Souza, Lívia Melo; Lima, Juliana Bentes de; Barbosa, João Ilo Coelho; Endemann, Peter; Oliveira-Silva, Michele
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| · An approximation between Skinner and Bakhtin for the study of language Pereira, Maria Eliza Mazzilli
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| · The concept of audience and verbal behavior’s multiple control Fonai, Ana Carolina Vieira; Sério, Tereza Maria de Azevedo Pires
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| · Meaning and definition of verbal behavior: the Skinnerian`s approach 10 years before Verbal Behavior Ferreira, Paulo Roberto dos Santos; Domeniconi, Camila
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On books |
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| · Language and Verbal Behavior: dialogues between the Linguistics and the Behavior Analysis Miranda, Rodrigo Lopes; Cirino, Sérgio Dias
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