| Table of contents Rev. bras. ter. comport. cogn. vol.10 no.1 São Paulo June 2008 Editorial | | | | | | | Articles | | | | · A proposal of definition of behavior in radical behaviorism Lopes, Carlos Eduardo
| | | | · The behavior therapist´s interpretation: an exploratory study Canaan, Silvia; Ribeiro, Antonio de Freitas
| | | | · Saying and doing: the practice of physical exercises in individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus Coelho, Camila Ribeiro; Wechsler, Amanda; Amaral, Vera Lúcia Adami Raposo do
| | | | · Effects of relaxation on anxiety and hopelessness in women suffering from cancer Lopes, Renata Ferrarez Fernandes; Santos, Marlene Rodrigues; Lopes, Ederaldo José
| | | | · Analysis of an alternative functional communication´s procedure (picture exchange communication system) Fidalgo, Adriana Piñeiro; Godoi, Juliana Palma de; Gioia, Paula Suzana
| | | | · Discussing the use of behavior analysis laboratories in teaching of psychology Lopes, Manuela Gomes; Miranda, Rodrigo Lopes; Nascimento, Silvania Sousa do; Cirino, Sérgio Dias
| | | | · Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: model, data, and extension to the prevention of suicide Hayes, Steven C.; Pistorello, Jacqueline; Biglan, Anthony
| | | | · Subsidies of B. F. Skinner’s book “Verbal Behavior” for behavior analytic therapy Meyer, Sonia Beatriz; Oshiro, Claudia; Donadone, Juliana C.; Mayer, Rejane Coan Ferretti; Starling, Roosevelt
| | | On books | | | | · Atualidade das críticas ao Behaviorismo Radical: proposta de uma agenda de pesquisa Lopes, Carlos Eduardo
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