| Table of contents Rev. bras. ter. comport. cogn. vol.13 no.1 São Paulo June 2011 Editorial | | | | Lotufo-Neto, Francisco; Cillo, Eduardo; Garcia, Marcos R; Abreu, Paulo; Faleiros, Pedro | | | Articles | | | | · Verbal, non-verbal and phenomenal consciousness: proposing a conceptual extension on radical behaviorism Zilio, Diego
| | | | · Relations between depression and cultural contingencies in modern societies: a behavioral analytic account Ferreira, Darlene Cardoso; Tourinho, Emmanuel Zagury
| | | | · Choking phobia: a behavior-analytic discussion concerning its determinants and the amplitude of change Scemes, Silvia; Wielenska, Regina Christina; Savoia, Mariângela Gentil; Bernik, Márcio
| | | | · Eating disorders: a behavioral analysis perspective Vale, Antonio Maia Olsen do; Elias, Liana Rosa
| | | | · Psychotherapeutic alliance ruptures and verbal expression of client's needs: a case study Ribeiro, Eugénia; Coutinho, Joana; Sousa, Zita; Machado, Catarina
| | | | · An analysis of the relation between parental practices and preschoolers self-concept Rocha, Giovana Veloso Munhoz da; Ingberman, Yara Kuperstein; Breus, Bianca
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