| Table of contents Rev. bras. ter. comport. cogn. vol.13 no.3 São Paulo Dec. 2011 Editorial | | | | Lotufo-Neto, Francisco; Cillo, Eduardo; Garcia, Marcos R.; Faleiros, Paulo Abreu Pedro | | | Originals articles | | | | · A functionalist approach for delusion and hallucination behaviors Bueno, Gina Nolêto; Britto, Ilma A. Goulart de Souza
| | | | · Verbal episodes as instrument to analyze the therapeutic relationship Juliani, João; Garcia, Marcos Roberto; Athayde Neto, Celso Apparecido; Massabki, Lívia Gabriela Selleti; Arndt, Marina Fonseca Carioba
| | | | · Alternative procedure for production of correspondence Simonassi, Lorismário Ernesto; Pinto, Mychelle Borges Pereira; Tizo, Marcileyde
| | | | · The influence of pedagogic activities on the behavior of hospitalized children and their accompanying adults Rossit, Rosana Ap. Salvador; Fávere, Daniela Cristiane de
| | | Pareceristas do volume 13, 2011
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