| Table of contents Rev. bras. ter. comport. cogn. vol.14 no.2 São Paulo Aug. 2012 Editorial | | | | | | | Originals articles | | | | · Teaching conditional monetary relations through Matching to Sample to deaf children with and without mathematical prerequisites Magalhães, Priscila Giselli Silva; Assis, Grauben José Alves de; Rossit, Rosana Aparecida
| | | | · Assessment of anxiety and attentional processing in undergraduate students using the Emotional Stroop task Melo, Wilson Vieira; Peixoto, Marjana; Oliveira, Alcyr; Bizarro, Lisiane
| | | | · Comments from a soccer coach during training and competition situations Belineli, Lays Fernanda; Kanamota, Juliano Setsuo Violin; Azevedo, Ana Maria de Sá; Silvestrini, Ana Letícia Rodrigues; Jacob, Anna Paula
| | | | · Organizational culture: vision of the analysis of behavior Vasconcelos-Silva, André; Todorov, João Claúdio; Silva, Renata Limongi França Coelho
| | | On books | | | | · The development of a multidimensional system for the categorization of behaviors in the therapeutic interaction: the doctoral thesis of Denis Zamignani, 2007 Moskorz, Luciana; Kubo, Olga Mitsue
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