| Table of contents Rev. bras. ter. comport. cogn. vol.15 no.2 São Paulo Aug. 2013 Editorial | | | | Abreu, Paulo; Lotufo-Neto, Francisco; Cillo, Eduardo; Garcia, Marcos; Faleiros, Pedro | | | Originals articles | | | | · B. F. Skinner and the use of aversive control: a conceptual study Martins, Tatiana Evandro Monteiro; Carvalho Neto, Marcus Bentes de; Mayer, Paulo Cesar Morales
| | | | · The study of some functional relations involved in the obsessive-compulsive behaviors Vermes, Joana Singer; Banaco, Roberto Alves
| | | | · Evaluation of a program for smoking cessation Mesquita, Alex Andrade
| | | | · Bipolar disorder: evaluation of a psychoeducational program under a behavior analysis focus Mussi, Samir Vidal; Soares, Maria Rita Zoéga; Grossi, Renata
| | | Review | | | | · Cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy for acute stress disorder: a systematic review Romani-Sponchiado, Aline; Silva, Cristiane Ribeiro da; Kristensen, Christian Haag
| | | | · A systematic review of experimental studies in social skills training Freitas, Lucas Cordeiro
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