Editorial |
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| · Discourses and symptoms Carneiro, Henrique Figueiredo
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Authors From Others Country - Articles |
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| · Anthropology of depression Aguirre Baztán, Ángel
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Research Report |
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| · Love breakup, depression and self-esteem: case study Guede, Dilcio Dantas; Monteiro-Leitner, Julieta; Machado, Karine Cardozo Rodrigues
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Authors From Brazil - Articles |
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| · Anorexia: a separation attempt between the Subject and the Other Vieira, Camilla Araújo Lopes
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| · The child as the contemporary familys master of jouissance: unfoldings of the clinics indicators of risk research for child development Bernardino, Leda Mariza Fischer; Kupfer, Maria Cristina Machado
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| · Love and knowledge in the analytical experience Brito, Bruna Pinto Martins; Besset, Vera Lopes
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| · The therapeutic toy: notes for a re-interpretation Medrano, Carlos Alberto; Padilha, Maria Itayra Coelho de Souza; Vaghetti, Helena Heidtmann
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| · Two speeches by Freud on religion Maciel, Karla Daniele de Sá Araújo; Rocha, Zeferino de Jesus Barbosa
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| · The space as a place of Subjectivity Ewald, Ariane Patrícia; Gonçalves, Rafael Ramos; Bravo, Camila Fernandes
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| · Psychoanalysis and Science: the vergence of discourses Alberti, Sonia; Elia, Luciano
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| · Reproving the tragic: consumerist society and poetry at school Paulino, Maria das Graças Rodrigues
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Book Reviews |
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| · "Estado de excepción" Carneiro, Henrique Figueiredo
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