Editorial |
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| · On the agenda: The contemporary and its challenges Morais, Normanda Araújo de
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Authors From Others Country - Articles |
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| · Scraps of stories by way of second skin: Magdalena, a woman abused and mistreated Muñoz Vila, Cecilia; Caro, Jenny; Lasprilla, Andrés; Trevisi, Hugo; Toro, Iván; Esperanza Torres, Nubia
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Authors From Brazil - Articles |
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| · The quality free time from collective discourses Martins, José Clerton de Oliveira; Lefèvre, Fernando; Lefèvre, Ana Maria Cavalcanti; Oliveira, Gláucia Rebeca Teixeira; Pereira, Maria Gorety
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| · Media and the process of spraying of the figure of the cerebral subject Zambenedetti, Gustavo
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| · The solidarity discourse in the face of new forms of subjectivation Melazo, Ana Paula Soares Ferreira; Paravidini, João Luiz Leitão
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| · The confined teenager and the custodial institution: The reciprocity of violence in contemporaneity Vale, Juliana Maria Batistuta Teixeira; Neves, Anamaria Silva
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| · Considerations about the establishment of contemporary interpersonal affective bonds Casadore, Marcos Mariani; Hashimoto, Francisco
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| · Finally apart: A psychoanalytic study of divorce Martínez, Viviana Carola Velasco; Matioli, Aline Spaciari
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| · From the disquieting strangeness to the estrangement as a method D'Agord, Marta Regina de Leão; Triska, Vitor Hugo Couto; Sudbrack, Renato Pernigotti; Sippert, Carlos Adriano
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| · Social educator: Image and relationship with children in shelter institutions Avoglia, Hilda Rosa Capelão; Silva, Andreia Maria da; Mattos, Pammela Makarowits de
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| · Contemporary considerations on the psychoanalytic notion of sexual difference Sodré, Marina; Arán, Márcia
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| · Transfer, lransmission and subjectivation: About the reference to Socrates and Alcibiades in Lacan and Foucault Cunha, Eduardo Leal; Birman, Joel
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| · The meaning of the car and the everyday mobility Cavalcante, Sylvia; Elali, Gleice; Elias, Terezinha Façanha; Pinto, Heleni Santos Barreira de Souza; Araujo, Ângela Maria da Costa; Carvalho, Mayara Pinho de; Souza, Olga Damasceno Nogueira de
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| · Postmodernity and the informal market of illegal drugs: Youth in criminality Moreira, Jacqueline de Oliveira; Guerra, Andréa Máris Campos; Costa, Domingos Barroso da
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| · Insertion modes of psychologists in mental health and its Implications to commitment to psychiatric reform Macedo, João Paulo; Dimenstein, Magda
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Review |
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| · Fight club: The fight (Our) club every day: Endure it takes? Firmino, Carlos Eduardo
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