Editorial |
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| · The teaching, the malaise and other themes Maciel, Regina Heloisa
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Authors From Others Country - Articles |
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| · The mobbing at workplace from perpetrator's point of view: a case study Acosta-Fernández, Martín; Torres-López, Teresa Margarita; Aguilera-Velasco, María de Los Ángeles; Parra-osorio, Liliana
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Authors From Brazil - Articles |
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| · On today's malaise: from the brain to death drive Rosa, Barbara Paraiso Garcia Duarte da; Winograd, Monah
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| · The repercurssion of consumption society in the affective bonds of teenagers Ribeiro, Karla Cristina Rocha; Abeche, Regina Perez Christoffolli
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| · Groups formation, narcissism and otherness: a psychoanalytical and anthropological research Teixeira, Manuella Mucury; Pereira, Ondina Pena
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| · Subjectivity: possible approaches between Freud and Pessoa Mota, Angela Di Paolo
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| · Crack: a psychoanalytic approach on its consumption among children and adolescents on the street Lima, Cláudia Henschel de; Valentim, Adilson Pimentel; Rocha, Carlos Emmanuel da F.; Rodrigues, Natália Ferreira
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| · Evaluation and interpretation of discontents teacher: a qualitative study about Burnout Syndromee Carlotto, Mary Sandra; Pizzinato, Adolfo
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| · Place-school: educational spaces Aquinord, Eliane Cristina Gallo; Araujo, Elisabeth Adorno de
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| · Teaching images: a study on the work process and teacher malaise Balinhas, Vera Lúcia Gainssa; Vieira, Jarbas Santos; Martins, Maria de Fátima Duarte; Garcia, Maria Manuela Alves; Eslabão, Leomar; Silva, Aline Ferraz da; Fetter, Carmem Lúcia; Gonçalves, Vanessa Bugs
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| · Perspectives for the well-being in teaching: life trajectory and production of sense Fossatti, Paulo; Guths, Henrique; Sarmento, Dirléia Fanfa
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| · People management: an epistemological approach Ramos, Flávio; Januário, Sérgio Saturnino
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| · Euthanasia, finitude and biopolitic Silva, Sergio Gomes da
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| · Reflections on the observation experience of a sheltered baby Nascimento, Rose Daise Melo do; Pedroso, Janari da Silva
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| · Maternity and power Moura, Danielle Ferreira Gomes
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