Editorial |
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| · Tempo de mudanças Morais, Normanda Araújo de
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Articles |
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| · The incidence sof the capitalist discourse on the means of contemporary jouissance Lima, Nádia Laguárdia de
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| · The body: identifications and image Amparo, Deise Matos do; Magalhães, Ana Cláudia Reis de; Chatelard, Daniela Scheinkman
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| · The world of work and the world of goods: issues of social justice Pizzio, Alex
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| · The name of the father in the contemporary world: the violence in the relationship between the subject and the absence Carvalho, Glória Maria Monteiro de
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| · The invention of women facing the inventions of techno-science Cardoza, Isabela Fonseca; Ribeiro, Heloisa Fernandes Caldas
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| · Having and being out of things: reflections on consumption, subjectivity and satisfaction in free time Martins, José Clerton de Oliveira; Tassigny, Mônica Mota; Carvalho, Daniel Franco de; Santos, Adjanilson Moreira dos
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| · The un-natured habit: how to kill the time in the art of the contemporary life Costa, Luis Artur; Fonseca, Tania Mara Galli
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| · Post modernity and psychic malaise production Sonoda, Katerine da Cruz Leal
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| · Clinic of the addiction: clippings from an experience in CAPS AD Silveira, Elaine Rosner
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| · Child group psychotherapy: subjectivities' listening possibilities Guimarães, Maísa Campos; Malaquias, Jéssica Helena Vaz; Pedroza, Regina Lúcia Sucupira
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| · Interweaving health and disease: the condition of seropositivity for HVI in the context of worship of a healthy living Resende, Camila Miranda de Amorim; Szapiro, Ana Maria
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| · The manager analyst Silva, Mônica Eulália da
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| · The practices of health production and the management of human conducts Zanetti, Fernando; Souza, Ricardo Abussafy de; França, Sonia A. M.; Cassoli, Tiago
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| · Art and therapeutic mediation: about one device with adolescents in the school-clinic Lima, Maria Celina Peixoto; Martins, Karla Patrícia Holanda; Rocha, Lorenna Pinheiro; Parente Jr, Paulo Alves; Castro, Iane Pinto de; Pinheiro, Nara Morais; Domingues, Mariana
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| · Notes about "A Discourse without Words": the psychoanalysis on health institution Ramos, Danielle Carvalho; Nicolau, Roseane Freitas
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