Presentation |
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| Carreiro, Luiz Renato Rodrigues |
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Editorial |
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| Paula, Cristiane Silvestre de; Blascovi-Assis, Silvana Maria |
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Articles |
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| · Developmental toxicology: a review of maternal behavioral aspects in mammals Camargo, Esther Lopes Ricci Adari; Zaccarelli-Magalhães, Julia; Fukushima, André Rinaldi; Spinosa, Helenice de Souza
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| · Quality of life of caregivers of persons With Down: literature review Ronca, Roberta Pasqualucci; Blascovi-Assis, Silvana Maria
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| · Conduct disorder: prevalence, risk/protective factors and impact in the life school and adulthood Vilhena, Karime; Paula, Cristiane Silvestre de
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| · Cognitive and repercussions behavioral for exposure to alcohol during management Bakargi, Giselle Morais Lima
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| · Qualitative analysis of the effect of equine-assisted therapy for children with cerebral palsy Ferreira, Jackeline Tuan Costa; Carvalho, Diego Lorenzi de; Carbonero, Flávia Cristina; Campos, Denise
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| · Only he interests me! Symbiotics aspects during a parent-infant psychotherapy Brum, Evanisa Helena Maio de; Gomes, Aline Grill
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| · Analysis of fatigue in patients with multiple sclerosis: a preliminary study Ribas, Marcos Lázaro Vasquez; Ribeiro, Nildo Manoel da Silva
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| · Dialogic reading adapted for a child with autism spectrum disorder: a preliminary study Guevara, Victor Loyola de Souza; Queiroz, Lara Rodrigues; Flores, Eileen Pfeiffer
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| · Executive functions and social skills in autistic spectrum: a study multicases Maranhão, Samantha Santos de Albuquerque; Pires, Izabel Augusta Hazin
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