| Table of contents Cad. Pós-Grad. Distúrb. Desenvolv. vol.18 no.2 São Paulo July/Dec. 2018 Editorial | | | | · Editorial Paula, Cristiane Silvestre de
| | | Articles | | | | · The influence of equotherapy in global development in cerebral paralysis: literature review Mello, Enilda Marta Carneiro de Lima; Silva, Gabriella lourenço dos Santos; Trigueiro, Rafaella Zveiter; Oliveira, Ana Leticia de Souza
| | | | · The health of the Down syndrome baby: professional interventions in the first years of life Ferreira, Maria Evanir Vicente; Machado, Louise da Silveira Pedrotti; Bressan, Raieli Ciscato; Silva, Ana Nathália Eduarda Farias da; Smeha, Luciane Najar
| | | | · Parental training for functional communication and management of disruptive behavior in individuals with autism spectrum disorders Bagaiolo, Leila Felippe; Pacífico, Claudia Romano; Moya, Ana Claudia Carvalho; Mizael, Lucimara de Farias; Jesus, Fiama Santos de; Zavitoski, Marina; Sasaki, Tatiana; Asevedo, Graccielle Rodrigues da Cunha
| | | | · Assessment of pre-scholar emotional/behavioral problems on the fathers and mothers' perspective Rocha, Marina Monzani da; Carolina Fernandes da Matta, Ana
| | | | · Effect of aquatic physiotherapy in the postoperative period of hip in children with cerebral palsy GMFCS V Castro, Caio Roberto Aparecido de Paschoal; Barbosa, José Luis Rodrigues; Braga, Douglas Martins
| | | | · Teachers' conception on the inclusion of the student with autism: a bibliographic research Adurens, Fernanda Delai Lucas; Vieira, Camila Mugnai
| | | | · Analysis on the use of universal design for learning Ribeiro, Glaucia Roxo de Pádua Souza; Amato, Cibelle Albuquerque de la Higuera
| | | | · Creating dictionaries of sign languages: iconographic, linguistic and contemporary models Capovilla, Fernando Cesar; Martins, Antonielle Cantarelli; Oliveira, Wanessa Garcia Santos
| | | | · Intellectual disability and autistic spectrum disorder: a literature review about the teachers' behaviors towards school inclusion Rodrigues, Rafaela da Silva; Domiciano, Priscila Rodrigues Corbini; Emerich-Geraldo, Deisy
| | | | · Analysis and characterization of multifunctional resource rooms in fundamental education I in the municipality of Aracruz, Espírito Santo Crescêncio, Renato; Brunoni, Décio
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