| Table of contents Cad. Pós-Grad. Distúrb. Desenvolv. vol.19 no.1 São Paulo Jan./June 2019 Editorial | | | | Paula, Cristiane Silvestre de; Blascovi-Assis, Silvana Maria | | | Articles | | | | · Life quality of caregivers of children with autism spectrum disorders: a bibliographic review Chaim, Maria Paula Miranda; Costa Neto, Sebastião Benício da; Pereira, Aminny Farias; Grossi, Fabiana Regina da Silva
| | | | · Evidence on equine therapy in cerebral palsy: a literature review from the PEDro base Tsiftzoglou, Karina; Mello, Enilda Marta Carneiro de Lima; Lando, Aline Abreu; Quintas, Ricardo Henrique Rossetti; Blascovi-Assis, Silvana Maria
| | | | · The relationship between burnout and quality of life Moraes, Mayra Grava de; Hitora, Vinicius Barroso; Verardi, Carlos Eduardo Lopes
| | | | · Influence of neuromotor intensive therapy on control of the head of a child with spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy Freitas, Jheniffer; Mélo, Tainá Ribas; Sabbag, Alexandre Aguiar; Costin, Ana Cláudia Martins Szczypior; Neves, Eduardo Borba
| | | | · Soccer and executive functions: a review study Paiano, Ronê; Amaro, Alexandre Slowetsky; Garcia, Fernanda; Ferreira, Rodrigo Carlos Toscano; Ressurreição, Kamila Santos; Carreiro, Luiz Renato Rodrigues
| | | | · Autism pupils' social-familiar characterization who are assisted by a philanthropic institution in Rio de Janeiro state interior Ruella, Ivani Alves Satlher; Amato, Cibelle Albuquerque de la Higuera
| | | | · Relationship between the nutritional state and the neuropsicomotor development of preschools from a particular school nursery in the city of Maceió-AL Anjos, Clarissa Cotrim dos; Costa, Lara Freire de Menezes; Costa, Amália Freire de Menezes; Soutinho, Renata Sampaio Rodrigues; Biitencourt, Hugo Souza; Brum, Evanisa Helena Maia de
| | | | · Down syndrome: manual dexterity and writing Silva, Nadja Moreira da; Blascovi-Assis, Silvana Maria; Cymrot, Raquel
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