| Table of contents Cad. Pós-Grad. Distúrb. Desenvolv. vol.20 no.1 São Paulo Jan./June 2020 Editorial | | | | · Editorial Ribeiro, Miriam Oliveira; Spaniol, Mayra Muller
| | | Articles | | | | · The process of teaching and learning of students with ASD in regular schools: a review of theses and dissertations Grossi, Márcia Gorett Ribeiro; Grossi, Vitor Gabriel Ribeiro; Grossi, Breno Henrique Ribeiro
| | | | · Aquatic physiotherapy on the gross motor development of a premature infant with congenital malformations of the upper limbs: case report Silva, Kaitiana Martins da; Gill, Carla Borges Fleuri; Braga, Douglas Martins
| | | | · Sensitivity and specificity of psychological instruments in the assessment of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder: a systematic review study Costa, Beatriz Camilo Araujo dos Santos; Zanini, Daniela Sacramento
| | | | · Intensive neuromotor therapy in trunk control and gross motor skills in child with spasic hemiparesia: case report Santos, Laryssa Maira Dos; Sabbag, Alexandre De Aguiar; Menegassi, Daniel Alves; Maltauro, Luciana; Costin, Ana Claudia Szczypior; Neves, Eduardo Borba; Mélo, Tainá Ribas
| | | | · An outlook of behavioral interventions to treat stress and anxiety in athletes: literature review Andreoli, Mariana De Araújo; Oliveira, Thaís Cabral De; Fonteles, Daniel Sá Roriz
| | | | · Down syndrome: the prevalence of Alzheimer's disease and the role of thyroid hormone Giannocco, Gisele; Maglione, Andréa Vancetto; Henrique, Jéssica Salles; Souza, Janaina Sena De
| | | | · Vegetarian diet in pregnancy and impact on the maternal and fetal organism: a literature review Calabria, André Chaves; Spaniol, Claudia; Gomes, Mirna Grubert
| | | | · The association between symptoms of postpartum depression and quality of mother-infant attachment relationship Iscaife, Amanda Beretta; Vieira, Danielly Alves; Paula, Cristiane Silvestre; Osório, Ana Alexandra Caldas; Mateus, Vera Lúcia Esteves
| | | | · The maternal environment influences the ponderal development and the viability of the offspring of rats but does not alter maternal care Medeiros, Loren da Silva; Rodrigues, Paula Da Silva; Sampaio, Ana Claudia Silva; Bernardi, Maria Martha
| | | | · Pre-clinical study of a sedative nutraceutic based on phytonutrients, ProSleepTM, in male mice: comparison with zolpidem Rodrigues, Paula da Silva; Bernardi, Maria Martha
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