Editorial |
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| · Knowledge production in political psychology and evaluation system of periodic in Brazil Silva, Alessandro Soares da
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Articles |
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| · Psychology and class consciousness "for himself": actions and challenges in the direction of social change Euzébios Filho, Antonio; Guzzo, Raquel Souza Lobo
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| · "To do and to transform": the Maritza Montero's political psychology of communities Costa, José Fernando Andrade
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| · Socio-educational measures with their disciplinary mechanisms: what, indeed, is at stake in this system? Moreira, Jacqueline de Oliveira; Guerra, Andréa Máris Campos; Oliveira, Nathiéle Araújo; Souza, Juliana Marcondes Pedrosa de; Soares, Camila Alves Noberto
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| · We do not want only food: inclusive policies and adolescence in the society of control Barreto, Danielle Jardim; Anastácio, Bruna Aparecida; Ganzarolli, Leticia do Prado; Brassanini, Mariana Santos
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| · Modes of subjectivization of young people in the webs of environmentalism: a psycho political analysis Bacelar, Rafael Prosdocimi; Castro, Lucia Rabello de
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| · Adolescence, vulnerability and drug abuse: harm reduction as a prevention strategy Silva, Aline Gomes da; Rodrigues, Thais Christina do Lago; Gomes, Katia Varela
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| · Reliability and capability as self-stereotypical contents of national identity in Peru Espinosa, Agustín; Páez, Darío
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| · Friendship and politics: considerations about philía and fraternity Primo, Joana Sampaio; Rosa, Miriam Debieux
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| · Political participation: dialogues between political consciousness and political praxis Rosa, Leandro Amorim
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| · Direct capital action: the power of contemporary capitalism Oliveira, Dennis de
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Review |
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| · Guattari and the ecosophy Hur, Domênico Uhng
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