Editorial |
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| · On transformations in evaluations, productions and ways of living: What do we resist? Maheirie, Kátia
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Articles |
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| · The eternal scape of 'nobodity': capital's offensive, brazilian identity and the production of 'neo-nobodies' Costa, Pedro Henrique Antunes da; Mendes, Kíssila Teixeira
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| · In order to guarantee order and security: which youth? Which territories? Lisboa, Flávia de Abreu; Barbosa, Roberta Brasilino; Cunha, Thiago Colmenero
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| · Discussion on people who live in territories at risk Silva, Juliana Catarine Barbosa da; Menezes, Jaileila de Araújo
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| · Cultural industry: crystallized thinking Romão, Davi Mamblona Marques
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| · "For the right of force": valentia as a component of Pedro Ludovico Teixeira's political personality Oliveira, Eliezer Cardoso
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Dossiê |
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| · Studies on contexts of social inequality and socio-historical psychology Euzébios Filho, Antonio
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| · Traditional communities and socio-environmental conflicts: and psychology with it? Figueiredo, Eugênia Bridget Gadelha; Sawaia, Bader Burihan
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| · From helpless to empowered: the productive assistentialism in the era of entrepreneurship Euzébios Filho, Antonio
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| · Ethical-political suffering and community health agents: relationships and care Souza, Alessandra de Almeida Rodrigues de; Máximo, Carlos Eduardo; Pereira, Eliane Regina
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| · Gender violence in qualitative studies: a narrative review Dutra, Laís Helena; Schveitzer, Mariana Cabral; Silva, Carlos Roberto de Castro
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| · Psychology in contexts of inequality: actions under debate of student assistance Oliveira, Adélia Augusta Souto de; Gomes, Lucélia Maria Lima da Silva
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| · Affection and common: coping with racism for children and young people quilombolas in the school context Costa, Ana Flávia de Sales; Edmundo, Odair José Câmara; Moreira, Maria Ignez Costa
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| · Law and society: tensions and contradictions about child's place Pinheiro, Jordana de Carvalho; Sousa, Sônia Margarida Gomes
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| · Articulations of psychology on territory: intersectoriality in the basic social protection Scott, Juliano Beck; Santos, Andréia Garcia dos; Sousa, Burnier Sales de; Solon, Avrairan Fabrícia Alves Caetano; Oliveira, Isabel Fernandes de
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| · Tensions in the field of politician and professional practice of social assistence Maheire, Katia; Gomes, Marcela de Andrade; Minchoni, Tatiana; Tonial, Felipe Augusto Leques; Bruniere, Marcelo Felipe; Hining, Ana Paula Silva
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| · Bioethics as emotion and consciousness in acts and the context of human exclusion/inclusion Catão, Fátima Fernandes; Nunes, Rui
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| · The psychological clinic: from the alienating tradition to the subject's socio-historical power Kahhale, Edna Maria Severino Peters; Costa, Cléa Maria Alonso da; Montreozol, Jeferson Renato
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| · Originating peoples in contexts of social inequality: affectivity and well-being as modes of ethical-political (re) existence Feitosa, Maria Zelfa De Souza; Bomfim, Zulmira Aurea Cruz
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| · Participatory governance and the expansion of the health concept in the community lab experience in italy Machado, Frederico Viana; Ferla, Alcindo Antônio; Baptista, Gabriel Calazans; Nicoli, Maria Augusta; Pellegrino, Vincenza
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Message of ABPP |
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| · 2020: a year not to forget that the struggle for democracy cannot stop Costa, Frederico Alves
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