Editorial |
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| Pessoa, Silvana |
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Prelude and conference |
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| · Demystifying the interpretation Strauss, Marc
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| · An interpretation which takes into consideration the real Soler, Colette
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Essays |
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| · Interpretation and poetry Mola, Luis Guilherme
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| · Poetic license in the logic of interpretation: “psychoart” Amoedo, Silvia Helena Facó
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| · Interpretation: the poetic art with lalangue Fernandes, Andréa Hortélio
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| · Against the over-interpretation Baldiz, Manoel
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Critical paper with the concepts |
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| · The psychoanalytic interpretation: "a say nothing" Martinho, Maria Helena
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| · What can be a logic of the real? Torres, Ronaldo
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| · The duty to speak and the duty to silence Dunker, Christian
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| · The psychoanalyst, the limits of interpretability, and the pass Alberti, Sonia
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The direction of the treatment |
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| · From the logic of interpretation to the practice of the letter Fingermann, Dominique
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Reviews |
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| · Working with Lacan: in analysis, supervision, and seminars Santos, Leandro Alves Rodrigues dos
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