Editorial |
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| · Clínica Psicanalítica: Laços e Desenlaces Fingermann, Dominique
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Conferences |
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| · Haze Vidal, Camila
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The direction of the treatment |
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| · Untying a tight knot, dissolving a knot in the throat and getting blood from a stone Pacheco, Ana Laura Prates
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| · Outcome of the transference Nominé, Bernard
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| · Hope and act Guarreschi, Luciana
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| · The death of the beloved woman: of the romantic mourning or death as a good encounter Pinho, Miriam Ximenes
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| · Love: a sign that changes the bond Cabral, Ricardo de Barros
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Clinical structures: loops and outcomes |
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| · Connections and disconnections in the clinic of psychosis: three fragments of the erotomanian love Milagres, Andréa Franco
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| · Panic and phobia: connection and disconnection of anguish Fingermann, Dominique
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| · Delirium in psychosis: the relation with the Big Other in paranoia and schizophrenia Calado, Paula Rodrigues
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| · Joyce: ruptures and bonds Mosconi, Muriel
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| · Perversion or perverse position?: Ways to the construction of a diagnosis Formigoni, Maria Claudia
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Essays |
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| · The name: a right or a duty? Carvalho, Isalena Santos; Chatelard, Daniela Scheinkman
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| · Even or odd? Lima, Elynes Barros
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| · The art of "e(s)quivocation" or the art of slipping out through equivocality Minaudo, Julia A.
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| · From honey to gall: metamorphoses of the jouissance strategy in Roman Polanski Pacheco Filho, Raul Albino
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Critical paper with the concepts |
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| · Psychology of the masses: an analogic method? Maya, Beatriz Elena
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| · Bonds of graph of desire with the discourses, from J. Lacan's Seminar 16 Steinberg, Samantha Abuleac
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Space in school |
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| · The desire's immense precariousness Jaramillo, Beatriz Elena Zuluaga
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| · Transmission as sustenance of the pass: beyond the nomination Salfatis, Daniele Guilhermino
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| · The tie and the grape tree Ponciano, Katarina Aragão
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| · Voices from the inaudible: verification, auditing, and passage to the School Buttini, Matías
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Reviews |
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| · Vers l'identité, from Colette Soler Ambra, Pedro
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| · Atas da Sociedade Psicanalítica de Viena 1906-1908: from Marcelo Checchia, Ronaldo Torres, Waldo Hoffmann (org. Zacharewicz, Fernanda; Formigoni, Maria Claudia
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| · Atos de fala Eidelsztein, Alfredo
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Interview |
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| · Vladimir Safatle interviewed by Ronaldo Torres Torres, Ronaldo
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