Editorial |
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| Bardella, José Glauco |
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Articles |
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| · Investigate Therapeutic Effectiveness of Theorized Interpretation in the Short-term Psychoterapy Gebara, Angela Cristini; Rosa, José Tolentino; Simon, Ryad; Yamamoto, Kayoko
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| · Accuracy of Zulliger Test Candiani, Deuslira de Araújo
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| · Typical responses on the Düss Fables Tests and its power to discriminate between children that presents or not emotional problems Damiani, Patrizia; dos Santos, Jenny
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| · The psychological interview as a dynamic and creative process de Almeida, Nemésio Vieira
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| · Mental Heath and Social Clinic Psychologic Laboratory and APOIAR: foundations and proposes Tardivo, Leila Cury
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| · Contribution of the Phillipson's Object Relations to the mental functioning of patients with panic disorder da Silva, Jussara Van De Velde; Rosa, José Tolentino; Paegle, Isabel Cristina; Braunholz, Marlene A. S.; Bolgar, Maryrose Fernandes
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| · An intracultural study about the indicators of familiar relationship Formiga, Nilton S.
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| · Abstract hild under a psychoanalysis optics: some considerations Priszkulnik, Léia
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| · Hyperactive child: who is it? Santos, Fernanda de Carvalho; Amaral, Régina Durães
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