Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Shared beliefs matrix and sociocognitive centrality when making decision mediated by channel Vivas, Jorge; Ricci, Lila
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| · Dangerous and violent: representations of juvenile law offenders on newspapers Espíndula, Daniel Henrique Pereira; Aranzedo, Alexandre Cardoso; Trindade, Zeidi Araújo; Menandro, Maria Cristina Smith; Bertollo, Milena; Rölke, Rafaela Kerckhoff
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| · Psychosomatic: two theoretical approaches for the same problem Capitão, Cláudio Garcia; Carvalho, Érica Bonfá
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| · Homophobia in young urban contexts: contribution to the gender studies Toneli, Maria Juracy Filgueiras
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| · Correlational Study between the motor-perception maturation and the personality traits Santos, Rodrigo Soares; Noronha, Ana Paula Porto
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| · Word and Pseudoword Reading Competence Test: standardization and validity Capovilla, Fernando César; Varanda, Cristina; Capovilla, Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra
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| · Memory and intelligence in psychologist assessment of skills Marín Rueda, Fabián Javier
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| · Psychological aspects in dermatology: anxiety, depression, stress and specific quality of life evaluation Ludwig, Martha Wallig Brusius; Redivo, Luciana Balestrin; Zogbi, Hericka; Hauber, Luciana; Facchin, Tatiana Helena; Müller, Marisa Campio
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| · How the deaf children play: a study based on a phonoaudiology approach Oliveira, Ana Carolina Sales; de Almeida, Elizabeth Oliveira Crepaldi; Oliveira, Sandra Maria da Silva Sales; Pinto, Ana Beatriz D'Alma
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| · The nowadays of the mothers in the neonatal intensive care unit Raad, Alexandre José; Cruz, Aline Maria Cardozo; Nascimento, Marília Almeida
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Review |
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| · A personalidade fóbica: avaliação psicológica a partir das bases psicanalíticas Targa, Julia
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| · Ser psicólogo: representações inconscientes que determinam a escolha Gurgel, Marina Gasparoto do Amaral
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