Editorial |
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| Sisto, Fermino Fernandes |
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Articles |
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| · Implicit Learning of Artificial Grammars in children: effect of the length, the valence and the superficial format of the strings López-Ramón, María Fernanda; Ledesma, Rubén; Introzzi, Isabel; Urquijo, Sebastián
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| · Phonological complexity and the recognition of morphological relationships between words: an exploratory study Mota, Márcia Elia da
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| · HumanGuide: validity evidence of the brazilian version Welter, Giselle Mueller-Roger; Capitão, Cláudio Garcia
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| · Exploring the zone of proximal development: a comparison between two techniques García Coni, Ana; Vivas, Jorge
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| · Abilities of the psychotherapist according to supervisors: different theories Freitas, Fernanda Andrade de; Noronha, Ana Paula Porto
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| · Evidences of concurrent validity for the Teste de Atenção Concentrada (TEACO-FF) Cecilio-Fernandes, Dario; Marín Rueda, Fabián Javier
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| · Reading comprehesion and writing performance of the elementary school children Guidetti, Andréia Arruda; Martinelli, Selma de Cássia
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| · Longitudinal reading and writing assessment with tests based on different theoretical conceptions Nikaedo, Carolina Cunha; Kuriyama, Carolina Tiharu; Macedo, Elizeu Coutinho de
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| · Evaluation of the relation with the maternal illustration in the CAT-A Villemor-Amaral, Anna Elisa de; Xavier, Maria de Fátima
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| · Technology performance and personality traits: validity study with university students Joly, Maria Cristina Rodrigues Azevedo; Nunes, Carlos Henrique Sancineto da Silva; Istome, Aline Christina
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| · Word recognition and self concept among children Moraes Júnior, Rui de; Cunha, Cláudia Araújo da
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| · Identifying the motivating and context variable in university students at the first year Oliveira, Sandra Maria da Silva Sales; Souza, Olga Maria Kersul de; Vieira, Valdercir Wilson; Adário, York da Silva; Rezende, Marisa Antônia de Figueiredo Seda
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Review |
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| · A família atual sob diferentes perspectivas Santana, Priscilla Rodrigues
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| · Raiva: emoção presente nos portadores de gastrite e esofagite Gurgel, Marina Gasparoto do Amaral
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| · Desafios da orientação profissional em diversos âmbitos Silva, Marjorie Cristina Rocha da
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