Editorial |
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Articles |
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| · Life values in technologies and humanities college students Almeida, Leonor; Tavares, Patrícia
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| · Confirmatory analysis of the enright forgiveness inventory: EFI Rique Neto, Júlio; Camino, Cleonice P. S.; Santos, Walberto S.; Gouveia, Valdiney V.
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| · Adaptação e validação da Escala de Bem-estar Espiritual (EBE): Adaptation and validation of Spiritual Well-Being Scale (SWS) Marques, Luciana Fernandes; Sarriera, Jorge Castellá; Dell'Aglio, Débora Dalbosco
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| · Validation of the Driver Behavior Questionnarie (DBQ) to Brazil Veiga, Heila Magali da Silva; Pasquali, Luiz; Silva, Narla Ismail Akel
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| · Construction of semantic differential scales: a measure for the evaluation of aircraft interior sound Andrade, Alexsandro Luiz De; Cruz, Roberto Moraes; Paul, Stephan; Bitencourt, Raquel Fava de
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| · Correlations between the EFN - Factorial Scale of Neuroticism and the IFP - Factorial Inventory of Personality Trentini, Clarissa Marceli; Hutz, Claudio Simon; Bandeira, Denise Ruschel; Teixeira, Marco Antônio Pereira; Gonçalves, Marcia Toralles Avila; Thomazoni, Andresa Ribeiro
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| · Study of the relation between emotional intelligence and stress at workplace Miguel, Fabiano Koich; Noronha, Ana Paula Porto
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| · Correlational study between neuroimaging and the Rorschach´s inkblot test in children with Tourette syndrome Bastos, André Goettems; Vaz, Cícero Emídio
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| · Evidence of validity of the Human Figure Drawing test to the deafness context Cardoso, Lucila Moraes; Capitão, Cláudio Garcia
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| · Contributions of WISC-III test to the understanding of high-ability children´s cognitive profile Hazin, Izabel; Lautert, Síntria Labres; Falcão, Jorge Tarcísio da Rocha; Garcia, Danielle; Gomes, Ediana; Borges, Mariana
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| · Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised: validity and precision measures Padovani, Ricardo da Costa; Schelini, Patrícia Waltz; Williams, Lúcia Cavalcanti de Albuquerque
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Nota técnica e resenhas |
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| · Propriedades psicométricas da Escala Fatorial de Neuroticismo e do Questionário de Ruminação e Reflexão Zanon, Cristian; Hutz, Claudio Simon
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| · Memory Ferreira, Aristides Isidoro
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| · Uma proposta de discussão na área de avaliação psicológica no Brasil Carvalho, Lucas de Francisco; Ambiel, Rodolfo Augusto Matteo
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